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People Skills to Get Ahead in Life

"The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood." -  Ralph Nichols.


In a world where people look down at their phones instead of the people and world around them, we have become disconnected from other people. However, people and communication skills are essential to success in life and business. 


This week, we will look at a few points in the book People Skills for Analytical Thinkers – Boost Your Communication and Advance Your Career and Life by Gilbert Eijkelenboom.


Some of the lessons we can learn from "People Skills for Analytical Thinkers" per Faculty of Education are:

Embrace your analytical strengths, but don't rely solely on them: Logic and data are powerful, but understand the importance of emotional intelligence and building rapport in effective communication.

Learn the art of storytelling: Transform complex data and ideas into compelling narratives that resonate with others and capture their attention.

Active listening is key. Don't just talk. Truly hear what others are saying. Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal cues, ask clarifying questions, and show genuine interest.


Speak with clarity and conciseness: Avoid jargon and technical terms. Explain your ideas in simple, understandable language tailored to your audience.

Seek feedback and adapt your communication style: Not everyone processes information the same way. Be open to feedback and adjust your communication based on your audience's preferences.

Don't shy away from Emotional Intelligence: Develop empathy and understand how emotions influence communication. Learn to read the room and adjust your tone accordingly.

Embrace the power of nonverbal communication: Body language, eye contact, and facial expressions play a significant role in how your message is received. Project confidence and openness through your nonverbal cues.Practice makes perfect: Communication skills are like any other skill – they require practice and refinement. Seek opportunities to practice your communication skills, learn from feedback, and continuously improve.


Scribble Software constantly improves our communication skills in our employee and customer training sessions, technical support, and communication with our customers and each other.


From our many training and quickstart guides, videos, and course materials to personalized training and technical support sessions, we communicate with you and your staff daily. We offer personalized online training sessions where we can walk you and your staff through the products. We give our users access to Online Product Academies with hundreds of courses, videos that walk you through the products, and guides. Our Technical Support and Services team is also here to answer your questions.  


Scribble Software solutions are built by industry experts for the marina industry. Therefore, the functionality included in our solutions directly relates to your business needs. Give your team members the tools to do the work you hired them to do successfully.


Use technology to streamline, automate, organize, and make intelligent business decisions today!


We are here to help you choose the correct marina technical solutions for your business needs, whether cloud or desktop. For more information on all our products, check out our website and give us a call today!


Please check our blog and social media in the previous and coming weeks for specific details on how Scribble Software's solutions help your team streamline particular business processes, including reservations, fuel purchases, and more! 


Contact our Sales Team at (804) 427-8100 x7 or and learn how Scribble Software's solutions can help you streamline many processes in your business! 


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